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Executive Governor of Gombe State



The Commissioner of Education



Gombe State Ministry of Education


The Project Coordinator IDEAS Project

Gombe State Ministry of Education

About Us

Welcome to Gombe State Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education currently has a commissioner, Ten (10) Departments, twelve (12) Units and five (5) Agencies. The Ministry’s management structure is as follows: i. Honorable Commissioner The Chief Executive of the Ministry in charge of policy formulation and Direction. ii. Permanent Secretary The Chief Accounting Officer responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Ministry. iii. Directors Responsible for policy initiation, implementation and the day-to-day Administration of their respective Departments. They are supported by Divisional, Branch, Sectional and Unit Heads. The Directors are assigned with a directorate are as follows: 1. Directorate of School Services 2. Directorate of Planning Research and Statistics 3. Directorate of Admin 4. Directorate of Finance 5. Directorate of Inspectorate Services (QAO) 6. Directorate of Science Technical and Vocational Education 7. Directorate of Education Resource Centre 8. Directorate of Examination 9. Directorate of School Sports, Health & Curriculum 10. Directorate of Library Board

Mission Statement

Strive to provide the best quality education for all citizens through sound educational policies and programs that provide all-inclusive learning opportunities to all citizens that explore their potentialities

Vision Statement

All Gombe State children and adults have access to an array of educational opportunities that ensure every citizen achieves success that propels the State into a highly educated, innovative, healthy, and prosperous state.

Welcome to Ministry of Education

Education is the key that unlocks the golden door to freedom
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Dr. Aishatu Umar Maigari

The Hon. Commissioner

Education is a means of achieving a world of peace, justice, freedom, and equality for all. Thus, education is extremely necessary for all. No good life is possible without education. It indorses the intelligence of human beings, develops his skill, and enables him to be industrious.

Dr. Aishatu Umar Maigari

The Hon. Commissioner

Education is a means of achieving a world of peace, justice, freedom, and equality for all. Thus, education is extremely necessary for all. No good life is possible without education. It indorses the intelligence of human beings, develops his skill, and enables him to be industrious.

Dr. Aishatu Umar Maigari

The Hon. Commissioner

Education is a means of achieving a world of peace, justice, freedom, and equality for all. Thus, education is extremely necessary for all. No good life is possible without education. It indorses the intelligence of human beings, develops his skill, and enables him to be industrious.

Dr. Aishatu Umar Maigari

The Hon. Commissioner

Education is a means of achieving a world of peace, justice, freedom, and equality for all. Thus, education is extremely necessary for all. No good life is possible without education. It indorses the intelligence of human beings, develops his skill, and enables him to be industrious.

Dr. Aishatu Umar Maigari

The Hon. Commissioner

Education is a means of achieving a world of peace, justice, freedom, and equality for all. Thus, education is extremely necessary for all. No good life is possible without education. It indorses the intelligence of human beings, develops his skill, and enables him to be industrious.

Welcome to Gombe State Ministry of Education

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Contact us

Call: +2347038641767
Monday - Friday (8am - 4pm)

Email: gombestatemoe@gmail.com
Web: www.moe.gm.gov.ng

Location: Gombe State Ministry of Education, New GRA
Gombe State, Nigeria

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